Computer Information Science American River College

CISC 362: Microcomputer and Applications Support

Units: 2.00
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: CISC 361 (Microcomputer Support Essentials - Preparation for A+ Certification)
Advisory: CISA 305 (Beginning Word Processing), 315 (Introduction to Electronic Spreadsheets), and 320 (Introduction to Database Management)
Hours: 24 hours lecture, 36 hours laboratory
Description: This course is an in-depth investigation of the technical, business, soft, and self-management skills technicians need to provide effective customer service and support in an information technology (IT) environment. Customer service and problem solving skills needed for success in a small or large business environment are introduced. Students serve as assistants in computer support in one of the American River College (ARC) computer classrooms/labs.

Section 3: Learning Outcomes and Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • demonstrate proficiency in customer service skills in the areas of active listening, and written and oral communication.
  • diagnose, document, and communicate microcomputer problems and solutions using acceptable terminology.
  • analyze and troubleshoot hardware and software problems in a variety of multi-user computer lab environments.
  • apply business and team building skills for technical professionals.
  • identify the causes of stress in computer support and apply stress reduction coping skills.
Certificates requiring this course: