Computer Information Science American River College

CISC 320: Operating Systems

Units: 1.00
Prerequisite: None.
Hours: 18 hours lecture, 18 hours laboratory
Description: This course introduces operating systems for the PC. Topics include file systems, operating system services, program management, file and directory organization, and hard drive maintenance. It also includes information on protecting your PC from viruses, Trojans, worms, adware, spyware, and other malicious network exploits. Additional topics are DOS commands and batch files.

Section 3: Learning Outcomes and Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • analyze the different file systems available and analyze backward and forward compatibilities.
  • analyze proper file naming conventions and explain file extensions and program associations.
  • apply built-in file management utilities to organize, copy, move, rename and delete files.
  • describe file fragmentation, total disk fragmentation, lost clusters, bad sectors, and apply hard disk maintenance tools such as system cleanup, error checking (scandisk) and the disk defragmenter.
  • contrast and compare computer viruses, Trojans, worms, malicious scripts, rootkits, spyware and adware, and apply the specific software programs to remove them and prevent future problems.
  • create shortcuts to files, folders and programs, and configure the properties of the desktop, taskbar, display, keyboard, mouse, and other peripheral devices.
  • analyze and explain the methods for performing backups of the operating system, registry and user data files, and describe the advantages and disadvantages of different backup media.
  • apply DOS commands for directory searches, file management, system troubleshooting, hard disk maintenance and basic network diagnostics.
  • create and apply DOS batch files for file maintenance, file backups, hard drive maintenance and other repetitive tasks.
Certificates requiring this course: