Computer Information Science American River College

CISA 315: Introduction to Electronic Spreadsheets

Units: 2.00
Prerequisite: None.
Advisory: CISC 100 (Computer Fundamentals with Hands-on Lab) or 300 (Computer Familiarization)
Hours: 27 hours lecture, 27 hours laboratory
Description: This course introduces the basic concepts and applications of an electronic spreadsheet program, including organizing, creating, and modifying a spreadsheet. It presents the basics of entering data in a worksheet using columns and rows, labels, and values; completing worksheet calculations using formulas and functions; and producing professional looking charts. In addition, the course introduces formatting, sorting, querying, and multi-sheet management. It also introduces 3-D cell referencing, financial functions, “Goal Seek”, “VLOOKUP”, “What If”, and decision-making.

Section 3: Learning Outcomes and Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • navigate to and from storage locations, open and close a spreadsheet application, and recognize window components
  • plan, construct, and edit worksheets that are efficient, accurate, and professional
  • perform an array of basic worksheet tasks such as analyzing worksheet data using “Goal Seek”, “IF”, “Subtotaling”, “What If”, and “VLOOKUP” procedures
  • format all or portions of a worksheet using standard layouts, formats, styles, and themes; as well as special number formats and conditional formatting
  • apply advanced worksheet features such as aggregate and financial functions, tables, templates, as well as multiple worksheet consolidation and 3-D cell referencing procedures
  • design, create, and revise embedded as well as stand-alone charts based on commonly used standards
  • perform basic chart tasks such as selecting labels and values, choosing a chart type, moving and resizing a chart, applying a design and format, as well as annotating and drawing on a chart
  • apply advanced spreadsheet features such as a data table and list features to worksheets
Certificates requiring this course: