Computer Information Science American River College

CISS 300: Introduction to Information Systems Security

Units: 1.00
Prerequisite: None.
Advisory: CISC 320 (Operating Systems), 350 (Introduction to Data Communications), and 351 (Introduction to Local Area Networks)
Hours: 18 hours lecture, 18 hours laboratory
Description: This course provides an introduction to network-based and Internet-based security applications and standards. Topics include encryption, security protocols, network security applications, digital signatures, protecting computers and the network from viruses, Trojans, spyware, unsolicited E-mail and public and private key exchange.

Section 3: Learning Outcomes and Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Differentiate the various aspects of internal Local Area Network (LAN) and Internet security.
    • Analyze the potential effects of network intruders and viruses.
    • Compare Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) and Secure Multimedia Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) for use in electronic mail security.
    • Examine the use and importance of firewalls.
    • Analyze the use and function of cryptography, authentication, and digital signatures in network security.
    • Assess the current information on TCP/IP security.
    • Evaluate potential network security problems.