Section 3: Learning Outcomes and Objectives
Upon completion of this course, the
student will be able to:
- define operators, including arithmetic, comparison,
and logical operators.
- differentiate control structures, including branches
(conditional statements) and loops (pre-checking and
post-checking loops).
- deduce post-condition from pre-condition for control
structures, including assignment statements, branches,
and loops.
- construct a trace table to emulate the execution of
a program that utilizes variables, various control
structures, data organizations, subroutines, and
- contrast the lifespan limits and behaviors of local
variables, by-value parameters, and by-reference
- compare the two methods of passing results:
by-reference parameters and return value.
- compare in-line copy-and-paste coding with
structured subroutines in terms of maintainability,
defect containment, testability, and other metrics.
- create a subroutine to abstract one or more similar
blocks of in-line code using local variables,
parameters, and return values.
- differentiate roles involved in software
development, including developers, analysts, and test