Computer Information Science American River College

CISA 308: Exploring Word Processing and Presentation Software

Units: 1.00
Prerequisite: None.
Hours: 18 hours lecture
Description: This course introduces word processing and presentation software. The basic features and skills of creating, editing, and formatting documents; inserting tables and graphics, and enhancing word processed documents and presentations are covered.

Section 3: Learning Outcomes and Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • evaluate efficient techniques in creating and formatting typical business documents
  • analyze document requirements and use correct features when creating business documents that require the integration of text, charts, and/or graphics for distribution or presentation
  • compare various data manipulation features such as cut/copy/paste, sort, and merge
  • choose from among various formatting options such as: margins, headers/footers, and page orientation
  • create and format tables for efficient data display utilizing options in table properties
  • evaluate and analyze appropriate layout and design for specific audiences
  • design a basic presentation